
Hours for WODs today: 8, 9  and 10am.  Warm Up: Dynamic Warm Up then... Every Minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes: Minute 1 – T-Spine Pulse x 8 reps Minute 2 – Russian Baby Makers x 8 reps Minute 3 – Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds

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Two sets of: Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps Shoulder Pass Thrus at Bottom of Squat x 10 reps

WOD: Teams of 3 Power cleanx 20/15/10 reps Ring rows/C2B pull ups/Bar muscle ups x 10/7/5 reps Front squat 20/15/10 reps Ring rows/C2B pull ups/Bar muscle ups 10/7/5 reps S2OH 20/15/10 reps Ring rows/C2B pull ups/Bar muscle ups 10/7/5 reps

Men's weights 75/115/155 Women's weights 55/75/105

Team member A will do the first set of reps at the first weight listed. So person A, a female, will do 55# for all movements at 20 reps and will do ring rows. Person B, a male, will do 115# for all movements at 15 reps and will do C2B pull ups (or reg. pull ups). Person C, a male, will do 155# for all movements at 10 reps and do bar muscle ups (or c2b pull ups + ring dips). Teams can be mixed sex or same sex.



