
Warm Up
3 sets
10 single leg glute bridge + 15 sec single leg glute bridge hold at the top/ sides
8 body weight single leg RDLs/side
10 shoulder taps/side

Mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx46pSPlRw8/
1. half kneeling pallof press x 8/side
2. DB pull overs on the floor x 10 reps
3. cat/camels x 10 reps
4. child's pose to cobra x 10 reps

1 Pause Deadlift at mid shin + 1 Deadlift for 2 sets of 6 @ 65%

The goal for the pause deadlift is to keep the bar close to the shin right when it breaks the ground.

The athlete should stay over the bar while pulling the bar toward their body using their lats for a 1 second hold (keeping the bar close/ having the weight in the mid foot)

After the Initial pause, the athlete will perform a conventional deadlift using the previous movement as a primer to keep the bar close.

WOD (20:00)
3:00 AMRAP x 5 sets
3 deadlifts 225/155 185/135 155/105
6 air squats
9 plate hold step ups 24/20" 25/15# plate
12 leg lifts over the KB/DB (6 each side)
1:00 rest
pick up where you left off. Keep track of total rounds + reps



