
Warm up

2 rounds
300m bike or row
6-8/side KB front racked drop back lunges- stand on a plate and drop one foot off plate into a lunge position
20 second hollow hold
6/side shoulder taps with a one second pause5 scap pull ups

Super Set- 3 sets of

10 x barbell hip thrusts- build load each set
2 rounds of the KB complex
complex: KB clean + 2 reverse lunges each side
                  KB RDLs x 4 each side
                  KB pull thrus while in a plank position x 4/side

Gymnastics Conditioning
10 PVC pass thrus w PVC⁠
20 PVC pass thrus w small weight on PVC (5lb)⁠
10 kipping swings on rings⁠
20 kipping ttb on rings⁠
10 kipping swings on rig⁠
20 kipping ttb on rig⁠

13:00 AMRAP

12/10 bike cals

seated sled face pulls (with straps)  x 40 feet
air squats x 15
push ups x 10

February Monthly Challenge
day 7- pistol 7 reps each side.  Be sure to alternate sides

OR touch down squats

Other challenges this month

100 calories on the assault bike


02.08.2020 Partner WOD- Bring A Friend Day

