Tangletown CrossFit

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Burgener Warm Up
complete 3 reps of the movement with a pause at the down (dip) and then go.  Then complete 3 reps again of each movement with no pauses.  Each time the coach will reset and call out the movement.

1. down and finish (dip and drive)
2. elbows high and outside (dip, drive, high pull)
3. muscle snatch (high hang muscle snatch)
4. power snatch lands 2", 4", 6" (keep PVC overhead and drop to each position)
5. snatch lands- full squat (keep bar overhead and drop to a full squat snatch)

Snatch Skill Transfer
1. 3 sets of 2 reps snatch drop with an empty barbell
2. 5 sets of 1 snatch balance- working on a heavy load for a single

"Quick Sand"
Every 4:00 x 5 sets
25/20 cals row
100 feet sandbag carry (bear hug) 150/100/70
4 dual DB devil's press 50/35  35/20