
Warm Up

Medicine ball and slam ball warm up  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8zd3y0QfNc&feature=youtu.be

Slam ball x 10
Slam ball around to the left and straight down x 5
Slam ball around to the right and straight down x 5
Slam ball to the side x 5/side

with a MB- against the wall  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIw3OvgwQRg&feature=youtu.be

chest pass to the wall x 10
lateral throws to the wall x 5/side
granny toss to the wall x 10

wrist stretches x 1:00
box stretch x 5 deep breaths
deep squat rotations x 8 each side- grab opposite foot at the bottom of your squat and then perform a thoracic rotation. 

pec activation walk x 4 lengths of the gym

Burgener Warm up   https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1rOjbgILs/ 
 with empty bar or PVC
1. jump and shrug 
2. jump and shrug + high pull 
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2", 4", 6", full squat

Primer:  5:00 EMOM
1 slow pull power clean + 1 push press
add load but only with good form and a slow pull from the ground to low thigh.  Once you get to low thigh, you can execute the extension at full speed.  The one push press.

Skill: clean + front squat + jerk
5 sets for 2 reps of the complex for each setset 1-2 @70%set 3-4 @ 75%
set 5 @ 80%

4 Rounds not timed
OH KB single arm right side carry x 100 feet
DB step ups x 20 with DB however you want to hold it  24/20"   50/35   35/20
OH KB single arm left side carry x 100 feet
DB hip bridges x 20 - DB is on hips while feet are on the box


02.28.2020 Partner WOD


02.26.2020 Re-Test Day