Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm up
2 rounds
row/bike 2:00 with the last 30 seconds as a build in pace
10 walking lunges
10 empty bar strict press
5 each side deep squat thoracic rotations (deep squat progressions)

front rack stretch x 30 seconds
xiaopeng circles x 5 forward and 5 backward each side https://youtu.be/QG4TBbOefE4
scap pull ups x 5
kip swings x 5

lower body flow
▪️World’s Greatest Stretch
▪️Quad Stretch
▪️Hamstring Stretch
▪️Modified Pigeon Stretch
Do 10-15 seconds of each for each side

"Selling the Drama"
AMRAP 3:00
8 front squats 135/95 + 8 pull ups

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 3:00
8 thrusters 115/75 + 6 C2B pull ups

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 3:00
8 clusters 95/65 + 4 bar muscle ups

AMRAP 3:00
8 front squats 115/75 + 8 push ups

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 3:00
8 thrusters 95/65 + 6 ring rows

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 3:00
8 clusters 75/55 + 4 pull ups

Core Set @pamelagnon • Instagram photos and videos
donkey kicks
v-up pass throughs
candlestick get ups 6-5-4-3-2 reps