Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
2 rounds
5 yoga push ups
10 PVC Cuban press5/side
DB high pulls5/side
DB strict press
2 strict pull ups

Glute Focus- one round
10 banded clam shells/side
10 banded donkey kick backs/side
5 banded cha cha/side https://youtu.be/3SOcMYQWbDU

Handstand cues
1. hands shoulder width apart
2. fingers spread for balance
3. press through the ground
4. eye gaze near thumbs
5. ears inline with arms
6. ribs neutral
7. glutes squeezed

3 sets
A. landmine deficit RDLs x 8/side @31X1
B. landmine press x 8/side @ 2X11
C. handstand hold x 20-30 seconds

3 round for time
Row 500m
12 deadlifts at body weight
21 box jumps 24/20"