06.19.2021 Juneteenth WOD


6 rounds for time
19 burpees
11 thrusters 95/65
63 single unders
buy out: 650m run

Significance of rep scheme
6- June
19- 19th (freedom day)
11- 1/1 (date of the emancipation proclamation)
63- 1863 (year of the emancipation proclamation)
65- 1865 (year of Juneteenth)

This Friday we will tackle our first annual Juneteenth WOD. You might be thinking, “What is Juneteenth?”. Juneteenth is an American holiday celebrated on June 19th commemorating when federal orders were read in Galveston, Texas, in 1865 (over two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves) stating that all slaves were free. Juneteenth, also called Freedom Day, is widely accepted in the United States as the day slavery ended. This is not a day just for African Americans to celebrate but a day for all Americans to remember and revere. It’s a testament to America’s ability to recognize wrong and do its best to change course and make things right- even if that change is long overdue.

While this is considered a Community WOD, it has the volume and difficulty of a Hero WOD. After finishing six grueling rounds you still have more work to do. During the WOD, it’s suggested to think about the struggles of the past and compare them to our situation now. One hundred and fifty-five years have passed and this country is going through another upheaval. Think about how we’ve grown, about all those who have suffered and sacrificed for that growth, and remember that together we can achieve anything that once seemed impossible. Abolishing slavery did not abolish racism, and we each play a part in continuing to right the course. We all, still, have a lot of work to do.



