01.01.19 Happy New Year Partner WOD

Warm Up

 Coach led dynamic warm up
jog in a circle changing movements as you jog
1. arm swings
2. high knees
3. butt kicks
4. shuffle
5. grapevines
6. skip

Line Drills:
1.inchworm with hollow position push up straddle inchworm- move weight mostly to shoulders and then toe 2.tap or toe drag up to your hands
3.bear walk- hide ears with arms
4.crab walk both directions
5.lunge with arms OH

6.Walk on toes/ heels

With a running clock with a partner with one athlete completing a full round at a time:
0:00-10:00 Max Rounds of:
10 Power Cleans (115/85)(95/65)
10 T2B
20 Walking Lunges (Body weight)
Max 200 Ft. Trip of Farmer Carries (Use heaviest KB possible)-each partner goes 25ft at a time. Switch off partners for the allotted time.
24:00-34:00 Max Rounds of:
10 Box Jump (24, 20)
10 S2OH (115/85)(95/65)
20 Abmat Sit-ups
*Score = total rounds




12.31.18 New Year's Eve only morning classes