Tangletown CrossFit

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08.22.2020 Partner WOD

Warm Up
https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_f2I5FDgk/ ðŸ¤Ÿ3 Sets
1. Half-Kneeling Plate Halo x 8/knee
2. Single Arm Plate Bent Over Hip Row x 8/arm
3. L Plate Floor Press x 8 reps
4. Weight Plate L Crunch x 8 reps
5. Plate Russian Twist x 24reps (12/side)

*move through from 1 to 5 and then back to 1 for the next set. 

"Chunky Peanut Butter"

Part One

Team of 2
Can you beat the 10:00?  Time Cap 13:00
10 rounds (5 each partner)
U Go I Go 
20 air squats
100m run
5 burpees

At 13:00 on the clock, everyone takes a 2:00 rest to get equipment ready for Part Two

Part Two
5 rounds for time- all on your own!
4 power cleans   115/85    95/65    75/55
3 shoulder to overhead
2 hang power cleans
1 thruster
12/10 cals row or 9/6 cals bike